1,3,5,7,9 ക്ലാസ്സുകളിലെ പുതിയ പാഠപുസ്തകങ്ങളെ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള സ്റ്റഡി മെറ്റീരിയലുകൾ ഉടനെ ലഭ്യമാക്കുന്നതാണ്..

My Sister’s Shoes (Screenplay) Textual Questions and Answers


 My Sisters Shoes Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 1.

The scene begins with a close-up shot. What frame would a filmmaker normally use when the characters (Cobbler &Ali) speak?
Medium shot

My Sister’s Shoes Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 2.
Apart from the cobbler’s shop what other details do you get about the space in which the actions in Scene 1 take place?
A street. A door with curtain hanging on it which appears to open into a row house.

My Sisters Shoes Summary In English Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 3.
How many characters are introduced in scene 1? Who are they?
Three, Cobbler, Ali and a man with a parcel.

My Sister’s Shoes Summary Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 4.
In scene 1 and 2 close up shots of the hands of the cobbler and Ali are shown. Do they serve any purpose? Explain.
They are in close up because they emphasize the work they are doing. It will show what kinds of people are expected in the film. Such shots establish the ground work for the story to take off.

My Sister’s Shoes Notes Pdf Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 5.
Where is the location shifted to?
The location is shifted to a footpath outside the bakery.

My Sister’s Shoes Summary In Malayalam 10th Question 6.
What could be the camera movement in this scene? Why is the camera moved in this manner?
Boom/Crane shot. To show that the junk collector is * taking away the bundle of shoes.

Summary Of My Sisters Shoes Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 7.
What are the events taking place in scene 3?
Ali goes to the vegetable shop. He takes potatoes and asks the shopkeeper to write it in the account. A junk collector comes and collects the junk. He thinks the bundle of shoes is also part of the junk, he throws it into his cart. In his eagerness to locate the bundle, Ali scatters vegetables on the ground. The shop keeper is angry and tells Ali to get lost.

My Sister’s Shoes Narration Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 8.
Which of the events is crucial in bringing about a twist tn the narrative?
The taking away of the bundle of shoes by the junk collector.

My Sisters Shoes Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 9.
What impression do you get about the financial status of Ali’s family? Support your answer with evidence from the text.
Ali’s family is very poor. We see Ali buying things on credit. The shopkeeper tells Ali that the credit limit has reached and he should ask his mother to pay at least part of the payment due to him.

My Sister’s Shoes Questions And Answers Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 10.
What interesting strategy does the director make use of in presenting the ‘talks’ between Ali and his sister? Why do you think they communicate in such away?
They communicate by writing in the notebook and then passing the notebook to the other. They do that because they don’t want to let the parents know about the loss of the shoes.

My Sisters Shoes Summary In Malayalam Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 11.
Do you think the sound of a hammer is used deliberately in this scene? What effect does it produce?
Yes, it is used deliberately. It tells us that that father of Ali is a worker with wood (joiner or carpenter) as he is chopping wooden flints with a hammer on a block.

My Sisters Shoes Notes Character Sketch Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 12.
Apart from showing the characters, does the director make use of any visual image to add on to what he intends to communicate?
Yes, he does. As an example we see the passing of the notebook between Ali and Zahra. They don’t want their parents to know about the loss of the shoes. Ali will be scolded or even beaten if his father comes to know that he was careless enough to lose the shoes of Zahra. Ali’s father is not rich enough to buy her another pair immediately.

Write a script for a short video on any one of the following themes. (Or, you may choose a theme other than those listed.) You may shoot it using a digital camera and upload it on YouTube.

My Sister’s Shoes Notes Kerala Syllabus 10th Question 13.
Leadership Quality, Unity of People, Incidents of Bravery, Child Labour, Evils of Smoking or Alcoholism, Wasting Food, Need for Social Change, Safe Driving, Preservation of Nature, Learning Disorders in Children, Values, Safe Earth, Save Tiger, Global Warming.
The following points may help you.

1. Watch other people’s films You can teach yourself a lot about filmmaking by watching: short online videos, advertisements, feature films, etc. Look at what you like, and what you don’t like, and try and work out how and why the filmmaker made it that way.

2. Build your skills Learn how to use a camera and find out what it can do when you place it in different angles or use different lens settings. Try shooting different kinds of shots with your camera, recording good sound, and editing them. Watch a short scene from a film you like and see if you can copy it exactly.

3. Get organised Once you’ve got your idea, create a script and storyboards or shot lists. Use a digital still camera if you are not able to prepare the storyboard.

4. Keep it short and simple Have you got a strong idea? Write the idea down for your film in 50 to 75 words. If you can’t do that, it’s not clear enough. Keep the film short. People are more likely to watch an online video if they know it’s only 60  econds long.

5. Shoot separate shots Learn the different shot sizes. Use a variety of shots rather than just panning and zooming. Use plenty of close up shots to show the important things. Place your camera in different angles and not just from the front.

6. Get the sound right A good movie with a bad sound track will lose viewers faster than bad movies with good sound track. Use a microphone to record the sound right. If the sound cannot be recorded right, then fake it using sound effects, or edit our film to a recorded voiceover.

7. Edit it right Editing is an interesting job. It’s not about just getting rid of the bad stuff, it’s where your film will really come together. Get the pace right: make sure your film doesn’t drag, or that shots don’t flash past too quickly. Make sure your film makes sense. You can seek the help of technicians in this field if necessary.

My Sister’s Shoes About the author:

Kerala Syllabus 10th Standard English Solutions Unit 2 Chapter 2 My Sister’s Shoes 12
– Majid Majidi

From Children of Heaven (Bacheh-ye Aseman) directed by Majid Majidi Majid Majidi was born in 1959. He is an Iranian film director, producer and screenwriter. He has directed many feature films including The Colour of Paradise (1999), Baran (2001) and The Willow Tree (2005). Majidi directed the film “Children of Heaven” in 1998. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

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My Sister’s Shoes Summary in English

Page – 56
→ Scene 1

Cobbler’s shop
Close up of a cobbler stitching a girl’s shoe. Only the pink shoe and the cobbler’s hands are in the frame. The camera moves back to middle distance to show Ali. He is sitting on a low chair next to the cobbler and watching him work. The cobbler finishes the stitching of the shoe, picks up the other one of the pair and gives them to Ali.

Cobbler : That’ll be 30 Toumans.
Ali : Thankyou(giveSmoneytothecobbler)
Cobbler : Here is your change (picks up coins from the money box to give Ali).

Cut to the Street Outside

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Seen from across the street. The cobbler’s shop can be seen. To the right of the shop is a door with a curtain. It looks the door opens into a row house. Ali is leaving the shop.

Ali’s voice: Thank you.
Cobbler’s voice : You are welcome. Goodbye.

A man with a parcel under his arm comes to the curtained door. He lifts the curtain and goes in. Ali comes out of the shop. He puts the shoes into a small black bag in his hands. He walks down the street and moves out of the frame on the left.

→ Scene 2

Inside the bakery. Shots of bread being baked. Close up of a hand putting into the stove kneaded flour spread on a baking board and taking out the baked nan. The camera pans slightly to the right to show Ali picking up the nan dropped by the cook and stacking them on a cloth spread on a wooden plank. The camera moves back to showAli and three cooks sitting around the stove. They are kneading and putting it inside the stove. Ali finishes stacking the man and ties up the cloth into a bundle.

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→ Scene 3

The footpath outside the bakery
A small group of men are waiting in a queue outside the bakery to buy nan. The outline of buildings in the street is seen in the distance. Ali comes from the bakery to the footpath. The parcel of nan is in his right hand and the parcel of shoes is in his left. He crosses the pavement and walks into a vegetable store. He keeps the bundle of nan on a pile of boxes of vegetables stacked in front of the shop. He places the bag of shoes in the small gap between two boxes.

On the sound track a hawker’s voice is heard : “Salt, salt for trade.” The shopkeeper is behind the counter.
Ali (to the shopkeeper) : Assalamu Alaikum, Aqbar Aqa, I need some potatoes.
Akbar, the shopkeeper, gives Ali a small black bag to put potatoes in. Ali starts picking the large, good potatoes in a box at the top of the heap.
Akbar : Not those, kid. Pick some down there.
Ali moves to his right, squats down, and fills the bag with smaller potatoes from a box on the floor. Close up of Ali picking the potatoes.

Cut to view of the shop from the pavement

A man pushing a handcart filled with junk enters the frame from the right and stops in front of the shop.
The junk collector (loudly), to the shop keeper : Assalamu Alaikum. With your permission.
The junk collector picks up the bundles of used polythene bags lying scattered on the floor near the boxes of vegetables and throws them into the cart. He sees Ali’s parcel of shoes. Thinking it is junk, he picks it up and puffin the cart.

The junk collector: Goodbye.
Akbar: Goodbye.
The junk collector leaves.

Cut to view from inside the shop

Page – 59
Akbar is on the left ledge of the frame counting money.
Cut to Ali filling his bag with potatoes.
Ali finishes filling the bag and hands it to Akbar for weighing. Akbar holds the bag in his hand to feel the weight for a moment and hands it back to Ali.
Akbar : Sixty five Toumans.
Ali : Mom said to put it on our tab.
Akbar : Tell her your account has reached its limit. She should pay at least part of it.
Ali : Alright.

Cut to view from outside the shop

Ali goes to the pile of boxes and picks up the bundle of nan. He then looks for the bag of shoes. Unable to find it, he places the bag of nan on top of the vegetable boxes and searches for the shoes underneath. He puts his hand and his head in the gap between the boxes of vegetables. It upsets them. The boxes fall and the vegetables scatter on the ground. Hearing the sound, Akbar comes. He sees the vegetables spread on the ground.

Akbar : (annoyed) What the hell are you doing?
Why did you spill these? Are you crazy?
Ali : (looking at him with guilt) My sister’s shows have disappeared.

Page – 60
Akbar : Get lost. Beat it.
Ali : I left my sister’s shows here.
Akbar : I said get lost! (bangs his fist on the pile of boxes.)
Ali runs away, scared.

Scene 4
Ali’s house
Middle distance shot of Ali and his sister Zahra reading their textbooks kneeling on the mattress. A baby’s cry is heard faintly on the soundtrack. The camera closes in on Zahra. She is writing in a notebook mumbling the words as she writes.

Ali: How am I going to school without shoes?
The camera moves back to middle distance. Now both Zahra and Ali are in the frame. Their parents are talking at the other end of the room and their talk can be heard on the soundtrack. We hear the banging of hammer in between.
Mother (off screed) : Go to your company store, tomorrow. We don’t have any formula left.

Zahra passes her notebook to Ali.
Father (offscreen): Don’t worry. Rahim Aqa’s wife had a slipped disc. Surgery made it worse.
Alternate close ups of Ali and Zahra listening to their parents’ talk and looking at each other.

Page – 61

Cut to

Middle distance shot of Mother lying on a bed, towards the left of the frame, leaning back against two propped up pillows. Father is sitting on a chair near the wall, chopping wooden flints with a hammer on a block. Behind him there are two ledges on which there are some vessels and clothes.

Father: You should learn to live with it.
Close up of Ali reading from the book Zahra has passed on to him.
Mother (off-screen): What do you want me to do? Do nothing all day?
Ali starts writing in the note book.
Father (off-screen): Well, the doctor has forbidden work.
Ali writes ‘you can go to school with slippers’ (mumbling the words as he writes) and passes the notebook to Zahra. Close up of the notebook.

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Mother (off-screen) : Kokab Khanom’s sister had surgery, and she is fine.
Cut to close up Zahra taking the notebook and reading what Ali wrote on it.
Father (off-screen): Don’t everthink of surgery.
Alternate dose ups of Zahra and Ali looking at each other.
Cut to close up of Zahra writing in the notebook.

Page – 62
Zahra (mumbling as she writes): Ali, you have some nerve. You lost my shoes. I’ll tell dad.
Quick close up of Ali looking at Zahra. She passes the notebook to Ali. Close up of the notebook.
Two close-ups of Father working on the other end of the room looking at the camera. There are close-ups of Ali and Zahra and a middle-range shot showing them.
Ali writes in the notebook and passes it to Zahra.
Zahra writes ‘Then what shall Ido?’ in the notebook and passes it to Ali. Ali writes ‘you can wear my sneakers’ and passes the notebook back.
Zahra writes ‘I’ll wear them when you are back from school’.
During the passing of the notebook back and forth only the notebook is in close up and hands are visible in the frame.
Close up of Zahra’s writing. The stub of her pencil breaks. Ali puts his pencil on the notebook for her to write. Zahra does not take the pencil. Close up of pencil lying on the notebook.

My Sister’s Shoes Summary in Malayalam

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My Sister’s Shoes Glossary

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