Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 2 Question 1.
What are the nutrients we get from food?
Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat, Minerals, vitamins & water.
Food Through Digestive Tract Class 9 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 2.
Complete the table given below.

Nutrient | Function |
Carbohydrate | Produce calories and provide energy to body |
Protein | Produce amino acids and helpful for growth. |
Fat | Produce calories and provide energy. |
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Chapter 2 Question 3.
Illustrate & identify the different parts of the digestive system.
Food Through Digestive Tract Class 9 Kerala Syllabus Question 4.
What are the functions performed by the nutrients in our body – Prepare a table?
Nutrient | Function |
Carbohydrate | Produce calories + Provide energy to body. |
Protein | Produce amino acids & helpful in growth. |
Fat | Produce calories & provide energy |
Minerals | Like Ca, K, sodium, and Iron helpful in bone formation. Kidney function and blood formation |
Vitamins | Like Vitamin E- Blood formation Vitamin D – Bone strengthening Vitamin A – Healthy eyesight |
Water | Blood formation & proper functioning of all body organs. |
Food Inside Mouth
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes Question 5.
State true or false
a) Vitamin A is required to the healthy eyesight
b) Incisor helps to bite and cut the food
c) Molar helps to tear the food
a) True
b) True
c) False
9th Standard Biology Chapter 2 Question 6.
Complete the Illustration
Canine: Helps to tear the food
Premolar: Helps to chew at the food
Molar: Helps to chew the food
9th Class Biology Chapter 2 Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 7.
What do you mean by digestion?
Digestion is the process of conversion of complex food materials into simple absorbable forms.
Kerala Syllabus 9th Standard Biology Notes English Medium Question 8.
…………. helps to tear the food?
Kerala Syllabus Biology 9th Standard Question 9.
Molar helps to the food
9th Biology Notes Kerala Syllabus Question 10.
The process of digestion begins from the.
9th Class Biology Book Chapter 2 Question 11.
……….. helps to chew the food
9th Standard Biology Book Chapter 2 Question 12.
……… helps to bite and cut the food
Question 13.
Define enamel.
Enamel is the hardest part in our body. It is white in color. It is a dead tissue seen in the out layer of our teeth.
Question 14.
What is the role of the tongue in the digestive system?
The tongue mixes food items with saliva and helps the teeth to masticate it. It taste buds in the tongue also help us to sense taste.
Question 15.
………. is the living tissue which forms the tooth.
Question 16.
……… is a calcium-containing connective tissue that holds the tooth in the socket of the gum.
Question 17.
………….. is the soft connective tissue seen in the pulp cavity.
Question 18.
Complete the word relation
Enamel: dead tissue
……….: living tissue
Saliva And Digestion
Question 19.
Where is saliva produced?
Saliva is produced in the Salivary glands.
Question 20.
Write a note on the significance of salivary glands?
There are three pairs of salivary glands in the mouth. The saliva secreted from the salivary glands contains mucus and enzymes like salivar amylase & lysozyme.
Question 21.
……… makes the food slimy, so that it can be swallowed.
Question 22.
………….. helps to destroy the germs that enter the body through food.
Question 23.
……….. partially converts starch to maltose?
Salivary amylase
Question 24.
What are the components of saliva?
Mucus and enzymes like salivary amylase and lysozyme
Question 25.
Complete the word relation.
Salivary amylase: ………….
Lysozyme: destroy germs
Question 26.
When iodine added to starch color appears.
Food Through Oesophagus
Question 27.
Complete the illustration?
a) Uvula
b) Pharynx
c) Epiglottis
d) Oesophagus
Question 28.
Trachea begins from the
Question 29.
From the mouth, food enters the………. through the pharynx
Question 30.
Prepare a flow chart regarding the swallowing of food?
Mouth → buccal cavity → pharynx → Oesophagus → food into the stomach.
Question 31.
Observe the illustration and write down the questions below.
1. What is the role of uvula?
2 compresses the food into balls with the help of plate?
3. State whether true or false?
The trachea tilts up and it is closed by the epiglottis
- Uvula doses the nasal cavity that opens to the pharynx
- Tongue
- True
Question 32.
How does the food we swallowed enter the esophagus properly without entering the trachea? Explain?
The Tongue compresses the food into balls with the help of the palate. That time Ovula closes the nasal cavity that opens to the pharynx and the trachea tilts up and it is closed by the epiglottis.
Food Inside The Stomach
Question 33.
Food reaches the stomach by
Question 34.
What do you mean by peristalsis?
Peristalsis is the wave-like movement of the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.
Question 35.
What is the role of peristalsis in the process of digestion?
Peristalsis in the stomach converts foods into a pastelike form.
Question 36.
What are the changes that happen to food while it is in the stomach?
Peristalsis in the stomach converts food into a paste-like form. Special kind of circular muscles present in the posterior part of stomach retains food for a specific period. Different components in the gastric juice, secreted by the glands in the stomach wall also play a very important role in the process of digestion.
Question 37.
Complete the illustration
a) Pepsin – Converts protein to peptones partially
b) Hydrochloric acid
c) Mucus: Protects the stomach wall from the action of digestive Juices
Question 38.
What is the role of Hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice?
Hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice kills germs in the food. It also regulates pH for the digestion in the stomach.
Question 39.
………….. protects the stomach wall from the action of digestive juices.
Question 40.
………….. converts protein to peptones partially
Question 41.
……………. regulates pH for the digestion in stomach.
Hydrochloric acid
Food In The Small Intestine
Question 42.
Define Liver and its main function?
Liver is the largest solid organ in the body situated in the upper part of the abdomen on the right side. The main function of liver is to filter the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body.
Question 43.
What is the role of gall bladder?
The excess bile secreted by the Liver is stored in the gall bladder.
Question 44.
………… secretes pancreatic juice
Question 45.
Complete the table given below.
Starch | ………. (a) | Maltose |
Protein | Trypsin | ….. … (b) |
…………(c) | Pancreatic lipase | Glycerol +……….. (d) |
Starch | Pancreatic amylase | Maltose |
Protein | Trypsin | Peptides |
Fat | Pancreatic lipase | Glycerol + Fatty acid |
Question 46.
Complete the word relation.
Liver: …………….
Pancreas: Pancreatic juice
Question 47.
Pancreatic juice contains the enzymes …………. & ……………
Amylase, lipase, trypsin
Question 48.
Prepare a flow chart showing the role of pancreas in the process of digestion?
Question 49.
Complete the word relation.
Starch: Maltose
Protein: ……….
Question 50.
Peptidase converts peptides to …………..
Amino acids.
Question 51.
………. converts lactose to glucose & galactose.
Question 52.
Prepare a flow chart showing the digestion within the small intestine?
Small Intestine → Intestinal glands →
Intenstinal juice → Peptidase → Peptides → AminoAcids
Question 53.
Explain the action of disaccharidases?
Disaccharidases like Maltose converts maltose to glucose, Lactase converts lactose to glucose and galactose and sucrase converts sucrose to glucose and fructose.
Question 54.
Which are the end products formed after digestion? Write in table.
Question 55.
Which are the nutrients that do not undergo digestion?
- Water
- Minerals
- Vitamins
Absorption Begins
Question 56.
Which are the simple components formed by the digestion of protein, fat, and carbohydrate?
Protein: amino acids and glycerol
Fat: fatty acid and glycerol
Carbohydrate: Monosasacchrides (glucose, fructose, galactose).
Question 57.
The small intestine of humans is about ………… long.
5 to 6 meters.
Question 58.
illustrate the structure & position of villus?
Question 59.
State whether true or false.
a) Movement of food through the small intestine is very fast.
b) Many foldings are seen in the inner wall of small intestine.
a) False
b) True
Question 60.
Small intestine is seen in the
Abdominal cavity.
Question 61.
What are Villi?
Villas are small finger-like projections seen in the walls of the intestine.
Question 62.
Fatly acids and glycerol are absorbed to the ………… of villus.
Question 63.
……… are small finger-like projections seen on the walls of the intestine.
Question 64.
What is the function of villi? Write down your interference?
Villi increase the area of absorption of nutrients to a great extent within the small intestine. They also contain blood capillaries & lacteals, the lymph capillaries. Absorption of nutrients & 90% of water absorption take place in the villi.
Question 65.
……….. are the lymph capillaries?
Question 66.
Villi are covered with ……………
Single-layer of cells
Behind Absorption
Question 67.
‘Diffusion does not require energy’ Kalyani said to Ishan. Do you agree with Kalyani’s opinion? Why? )
Yes. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. By diffusion, molecules move across the cell through the cell membrane. This process continues till the concentration becomes equal in both sides of the membrane. So this process does not require any energy.
Question 68.
Absorption of fatty acids and glycerol into lacteals is the example of
Question 69.
What do you mean by facilitated diffusion?
Diffusion of certain molecules with the help of protein molecules in the cell membrane is called facilitated diffusion.
Question 70.
Asha stated that “Absorption of water in the small intestine and the large intestine is an example of Osmosis” Do you agree? Substantiate your answer by explaining the term osmosis?
Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration across a semi-permeable mebrane. This process continues till the concentration becomes equal. It can be stated that in small intestine and large intestine water molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region on lower concentration.
Question 71.
Explain the process of Active Transport?
The process by which molecules are absorbed with the help of carrier Proteins against the concentration gradient is called active transport.
Question 72.
Absorption of glucose and salt are examples of
Active Transport
Question 73.
Complete the word relation:
Osmosis: absorption of water
…………: absorption of amino acid.
Facilitated diffusion
Question 74.
Which are the process that help in the transport and substances in cells?
Diffusion & Osmosis
Question 75.
Differences and similarities between Diffusion and Osmosis – Prepare a table.
Diffusion | Osmosis |
Molecules move across the cell through the cell membrane from a higher concentration to a lower concentration Energy is not required Absorption of fatty acids and glycerol into lacteals | Water molecules move from a region from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration across a semi-permeable membrane Energy is not utilized Absorption of water in the intestine |
Question 76.
How does diffusion differ from facilitated diffusion?
Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration but facilitated diffusion is the diffusion of certain molecules with the help of protein molecules in the cell membrane.
Question 77.
What is the difference noticed in active transport when compared to other processes?
In Active transport energy is needed by other process energy is not needed.
In And Out Of Large Intestine
Question 78.
The digestive wastes left after the absorption of nutrients move towards the …………
Large intestine
Question 79.
Bacteria residing in the large intestine produced ………….
Vitamin K
Question 80.
Absorption of vitamin K takes place in the ………….
Large intestine
Question 81.
What are the main ideas that can include in the seminar relationship between food and health?
- Importance of roughage for a healthy digestive system.
- Health issues created by junk food and fast food.
- Harmful chemical substances added to food to enhance its taste and color.
Let Us Assess
Question 82.
Identify the correct statement with regard to bile.
a) Secreted in liver
b) Enzymes are seen
c) Secreted into the stomach
d) Converts fat into tiny particles
a) Secreted in liver
Question 83.
Complete the table related to the process of digestion in humans.
Part of digestive tract | Enzyme | Action |
Mouth | ……. (a) ……. | Starch → Maltose |
………… (b) | Pepsin | ……… (c) |
Small intestine | ……. (d) | Maltose → glucose |
……… (e) | Peptidase | …… (f) |
Part of digestive tract | Enzyme | Action |
Mouth | Salivary amylase | Starch → Maltose |
Stomach | Pepsin | Proteins → Peptones |
Small intestine | Maltase | Maltose → glucose |
Intestinal gland Peptidase | Peptidase | Peptides → amino acids. |
Food Through Digestive Tract Additional Question and Answers
Question 84.
Illustrate the process of Osmosis
Question 85.
How much time is required for the completion of digestion?
4 to 5 hours
Question 86.
“You should take food only after an interval of 4 hours” – said Arun to Archa. What is your opinion?
The process of digestion is completed through many complex actions. It requires 4 to 5 hours. Hence it is necessary to arrange the intake of food accordingly keeping an interval of four hours between the intake.
Question 87.
Doctor advised Minnu who had a complaint of stomach pain to avoid cool drinks like cola &junk food. What can be the reason for this advice? Point out your opinion?
The nutrients required for our health are derived from our food. If we choose food only on the basis of taste, we may not get all the required nutrients. Regular use of colo drinks & junk foods are not good for our health. Therefore try to take all types of food instead of giving priority to cola & junk food.
Question 88.
Prepare a poster on ‘Good food habits’
- Eat plenty of fruits & vegetables every day
- Eat less unhealthy food
- Balance your food choices over time. (Draw a suitable picture using these ideas).