Chapter 2 :- From stone to metal


Multiple Choice Questions: (Marks:1)

1.) Rough stones were used as tools and weapons in:

A.) Paleolithic age B.) Neolithic age C.) Chalcolithic age

Ans: paleolithic age.

2.) The period in which sharp and polished stones are used as a weapon is called:

A.) Chalcolithic age B.) Paleolithic age C.) Neolithic age

Ans: Neolithic age.

3.) Paleolithic age is also known as:

A.) New stone age B.) Old stone age C.) Copper stone age

Ans: old stone age.

4.) Neolithic age is also known as:

A.) Copper stone age B.) Old stone age C.) New stone age

Ans: new stone age.

5.) Copper stone age is also known as:

A.) Paleolithic age B.) Neolithic age C.) Chalcolithic age

Ans: chalcolithic age.

6.) ‘ The Great Bath ‘ is one of the important remains of:

A.) Harappan civilization B.) Chinese civilization C.) Egyptian civilization.

Ans: Harappan civilization.

7.) The chinese civilization flourished in the valley of:

A.) River Nile B.) River Tigris and Euphrates C.) River Hwang Ho

Ans: River Hwang Ho.


Answer The Following Questions: (Marks:1)

1.) Which period is known as paleolithic age?

Ans: The period in which rough stones were used as tools and weapons is called paleolithic age.

2.) Which period is known as Neolithic age?

Ans: The period in which sharper and polished stones were used as tools and weapons is called Neolithic age.

3.) Fire was invented in which period?

Ans: Fire was invented in paleolithic age.

4.) What do you mean by Bronze age?

Ans: the age in which bronze was widely used to make weapons and tools is called bronze age.

5.) What is chalcolithic age?

Ans: The period when man used both stone and copper tools is known as chalcolithic age.

6.) Where the mesopotemian civilization were found?

Ans: In the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers mesopotemian civilization were found.

7.) What does the word ‘ Mesopotemia’ means?

Ans: The word mesopotemia means ‘ the land between rivers ‘.

 8.) Where does the Egyptian civilization flourished?

Ans: The Egyptian civilization flourished in the valley of the Nile.

9.) The Harappan civilization found in which river valley?

Ans: The Harappan civilization were found in the valley of the river Indus.

10.) What were the major cities of Indus valley civilization?

Ans: The major cities were mohenjo daro, Harappa, kalibangan and lothal.


Answer The Following Questions: (Marks:2 / 3)

1.) What do you mean by stone age?

Ans: Human beings does not have a gigantic body and they don’t have enough strength to fight against wild animals and collect food from natural sources, for this purpose they used stones to make their weapons and tools. As stone was the material that influenced the human life most,this period is came to be known as stone age.

2.) What are the purpose of using stone as their weapon and tools? What is the purpose of using fire by the early men?

Ans: Purpose of using stone: people often cut the stones and then sharpened and polished them to make weapons because it is hard and convenient to use stone as a weapon and tools. It is used –

  • To hunt animals.
  • To defend oneself from the attack of animals.
  • To collect food.
  • To dig up edible tubers etc.

3.) What are the important features of Neolithic age?

Ans: The important features of Neolithic age were:

  • Engaged in farming.
  • Developed shelters.
  • Tamed the animals.
  • Engaged in handcrafts.
  • Involved in pottery.

4.) What is the ‘ cuneiform script ‘?

Ans: The Cuneiform is one of the oldest known scripts. It was developed in the region of Sumer. The script is represented by wedge shaped grahic symbols on clay tablets.

5.) What is ‘ziggurats’?

Ans: The Ziggurats were templecomplexes. The walls of the Ziggurats were built of burnt bricks. It has been found that around twenty five Ziggurats were built in mesopotemian civilization.

6.) What is pyramids?

Ans: The Pyramids are the tombs of the ‘Pharaohs’, the rulers of Egypt. The biggest pyramid is the one at Giza, built by the Pharaoh of khufu.

7.) What do you mean by ‘Hieroglyphics’?

Ans. Hieroglyphics the script used by ancient Egyptians.It is a combination of symbols and letters,commonly written on papyrus and wood.

8.) Which civilization is called ‘ the gift of Nile ‘ and why?

Ans: The Egyptian civilization is called ‘ The gift of Nile ‘ because most of the regions of Egypt were deserts and around the valley of Nile the Egyptian civilization was flourished bacause of water supply from river Nile,so it is called the gift of Nile.


Answer The Following Questions:

1) What do you mean by stone age? What is the purpose of using stone as their weapons and tools? (2+3=5)

Ans: Human beings does not have a gigantic body and they don’t have enough strength to fight against wild animals and collect food from natural sources, for this purpose they used stones to make their weapons and tools. As stone was the material that influenced the human life most,this period is came to be known as stone age.

Purpose of using stone:

people often cut the stones and then sharpened and polished them to make weapons because it is hard and convenient to use stone as a weapon and tools. It is used –

  • To hunt animals.
  • To defend oneself from the attack of animals.
  • To collect food.
  • To dig up edible tubers etc. This is why stone used by early men.

2) Which period is called Neolithic age? What are the important features of Neolithic age? (1+4=5)

Ans: The period in which sharper and polished stones were used as tools and weapons is called Neolithic age.

Features of Neolithic age:

The important features of Neolithic age were:

  • In this age people are formed villages and engaged in farming.
  • They developed shelters for living.
  • Tamed the wild animals.
  • People in this period engaged in handcrafts.
  • Neolithic age people involved in pottery.

3) Write about the agricultural improvement of chalcolithic age? (5)

Ans: In chalcolithic age copper tools began to be used along with stone tools. compared to stone copper was easier to sharpen and mould and was convenient to use and it facilitates the agricultural improvement :-

  • In chalcolithic age tools made from copper is used in agriculture which is very useful and using new copper tools increase the production.
  • Development of public places for the exchange of agricultural products which also improves the communication between people.
  • Improves economy.
  • The storage of surplus food grain.

4) Where Harappan civilization was found? What are the features of Harappan civilization? (1+4=5)

Ans: The Harappan civilization founded in the valley of river Indus. The major sites of this civilization are situated in the present India and Pakistan.

Features of Harappan civilization:

The features of Harappan civilization were –

  • Town planning was a striking feature of Harappan civilization.
  • Drainage system was one of the main features of this civilization.
  • Multi storeyed houses made of burnt brick also noticed in this civilization.
  • Trade centres were present in Harappan civilization.
  • Haparran people were familiar with the art of writing.
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