STEP : 1
Read the poem silently and Answer the following
1. The poem is about ----------------------------- .( complete suitably )
2. The poet ( exaggerates / presents a true picture of ) his experience of a dental treatment.
3.He (likes / does not like ) sitting in a dentist's chair with his mouth wide open .
4.He finds it hard to keep calm then .
5.He ( feels proud of himself / loses his dignity ) before the dentist.
6. It is (funny / pathetic ) to see a mouth which is like a section of road that is being worked on.
7.The dentist is like ( a male / female bear )
8.Also the patient feels that there is ( some danger / no danger ) in using the mirror during dental care.
9.Every thing makes the situation in the dentist's room a ( beautiful / terrible ) experience.
10. A dentist takes care of our ( eyes / ears / mind / teeth / all these )
11.Any other idea from the poem....................................
STEP : 2
Quote the line(s) which tells you the ideas presented above .
eg :He (likes / does not like ) sitting in a dentist's chair with his mouth wide open.: One thing I like less than most things is sitting in a dentist chair with my mouth wide open
2. The poet ( exaggerates / presents a true picture of ) his experience of a dental treatment.
3.He (likes / does not like ) sitting in a dentist's chair with his mouth wide open .
4.He finds it hard to keep calm then .
5.He ( feels proud of himself / loses his dignity ) before the dentist.
6. It is (funny / pathetic ) to see a mouth which is like a section of road that is being worked on.
7.The dentist is like ( a male / female bear )
8.Also the patient feels that there is ( some anger / no danger ) in using the mirror during dental care.
9.Everything makes the situation in the dentist's room a ( beautiful / terrible ) experience.
10. A dentist takes care of our ( eyes / ears / mind / teeth / all these )
11. Dental care ( is / is not ) a torture.
STEP 3 :
Help them to find the answer by initiating a detailed discussion of the poem.
1.He (likes / does not like ) sitting in a dentist's chair with his mouth wide open .why ?
2.He finds it hard to keep calm then . Why ?
3.He ( feels proud of himself / loses his dignity ) before the dentist. How ?
4. It is (funny / pathetic ) to see a mouth which is like a section of road that is being worked on. What is the activity referred here ?
5.The dentist is like a( male / female bear ).How ?
6Also the patient feels that there is ( some danger / no danger ) in using the mirror during dental care.what is the reason ?
7.Everything makes the situation in the dentist's room a ( beautiful / terrible ) experience.Do you agree ?
8. A dentist takes care of our ( eyes / ears / mind / teeth / all these ).
9. Dental care ( is / is not ) a torture. How is it a torture ?
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notes :SIMILE
Simile is a figure of speech in which something is compared with another and
said to be like it. This is in contradiction to metaphor,
where one thing is said to be the same as another. A simile
is usually introduced be ‘like’ and ‘as’ -
She is like an angel.
Your mouth is like a section
of road that is being worked
Exaggeration is a statement which is made emphatic by overstatement. Such as
expression is not meant to be taken literally. It means claiming something is greater than it really is.
She shed an ocean of tears.
But it isn't because then
coats your mouth from cellar
to roof.
Pun is a figure of speech that consists in a play on the various meanings of a word and is mostly used in humorous sense.
Not on thy sole but on thy
sole harsh jew
Thou mak'st they knife keen
And your teeth are supposed
to be being polished
But you have reason to
believe they are being